Pioneer Award for Excellence in Innovation: Jackie Ressler, marketing specialist, North Dakota Game and Fish Department, for her efforts to increase the agency’s social media presence, create new partnerships and lead marketing campaigns on crucial topics such as aquatic nuisance species, job recruitment, boater safety, hunting and fishing participation and more.
Zezula Award – “One Who Helps”: Brett Wold, veterans employment officer with Job Service North Dakota, for his work to bridge the gap between veterans and businesses by connecting qualified candidates with employers, and mobilizing community resources to help veterans overcome barriers to employment such as homelessness, addiction or lack of transportation.
Harvest Award for Excellence in Quality: Sindhuja Pillai-Grinolds, Water Development Division director for the Department of Water Resources, for her management of North Dakota’s water resources and large-scale water projects such as the Southwest Pipeline Project, ensuring the state’s water needs are met with precision, foresight and strong relationships with stakeholders.
Landmark Award for Excellence in People Management: Jace Beehler, chief of staff, Governor’s Office, for consistently demonstrating the ability to navigate complex challenges with a steady hand and creating an atmosphere of open communication, collaboration and respect that fosters creativity and efficiency across state agencies and branches of government.
Telegraph Award for Excellence in Technology: Harrison Yates, senior cybersecurity engineer, North Dakota Information Technology, for his leadership in the Joint Cybersecurity Operations Command Center and his work to improve consistency in the state’s cybersecurity responses to better protect the data of citizens, agencies and team members.
Heritage Award for Excellence in Citizen Focus: Fred Walker, global marketing manager with the Department of Commerce’s Tourism Division, for his work in forging strategic partnerships and elevating the state’s global presence to increase tourism and promoting Native American tourism through his work with the North Dakota Native Tourism Alliance.
Frontier Award for Excellence in Continuous Learning: Kristi Embry, accessibility instructional designer at the University of North Dakota, for her work to support staff and faculty in creating and maintaining accessible content, including converting documents into screen-reader-friendly formats, ensuring websites meet accessibility standards and training others in best practices – ensuring accessibility isn’t an afterthought but a core part of educational design.
Sodbuster Award for Excellence in Growth Mindset: Kayla Ver Helst, sustainability officer at the Bank of North Dakota, for demonstrating exceptional leadership and coordination skills by spearheading a groundbreaking ESG study in collaboration with multiple state agencies and key stakeholders, ensuring that diverse perspectives and expertise in a complicated field were integrated into the study.
Roaming Bison Award (Team) – 3 recipients:
- Department of Public Instruction Fiscal Management team, for establishing a disbursement system for federal pandemic relief dollars with strong oversight and minimal red tape, ensuing nearly 100% utilization of funds with no audit findings while strengthening instruction in critical skills such as reading, math and science.
- Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Re-entry Simulator team, for creating a hands-on re-entry simulation program that helps leaders understand the challenges faces by individuals transitioning from incarceration back into the community, with program participants navigating 15 stations that mirror real-life scenarios.
- S’mores World Record Team, a multi-agency team led by the Parks and Recreation Department, for creating a fun and memorable way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Fort Stevenson State Park by organizing a successful Guinness World Record attempt for the most number of people to make s’mores together.
Pioneer Award for Excellence in Innovation: Lucas Pippenger, Active Defense Team lead in North Dakota Information Technology, for his innovative efforts to transform how the state responds to cyberthreats, as well as his work on the 12-state Joint Cyber Security Operations Center, a cyberthreat intelligence-sharing group founded by North Dakota.
Zezula Award – “One Who Helps”: Capt. Bryan Niewind, North Dakota Highway Patrol, for responding with professional aid in times of great stress and tragedy, including in the aftermath of officer-involved shootings in Fargo in 2022 and 2023, as well as his efforts to support and enhance Vision Zero with new traffic safety strategies.
Harvest Award for Excellence in Quality: Taylor DeVries, environmental scientist, Department of Environmental Quality Spill Response team, for her ability to effectively and knowledgeably communicate and work with landowners and operators during spills and her commitment to remediating and protecting North Dakota lands for future generations.
Landmark Award for Excellence in People Management: Tony Hillig, recreation chief, North Dakota Parks and Recreation, for his leadership in allowing the recreation team to best use their skills and experience, including with off highway vehicle (OHV) and snowmobile safety training courses, and his instrumental role in developing a working relationship around OHV trails on both tribal lands and the Turtle Mountain State Recreation Area.
Telegraph Award for Excellence in Technology: Travis Lutman, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) engineer, Department of Transportation, for his instrumental work in developing a network of ITS devices across the state highway system to improve the travel experience and safety on North Dakota roads.
Heritage Award for Excellence in Citizen Focus: Garrett McLain, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, for his work with the Restoring Promise Initiative at the State Penitentiary and its U.N.I.T.Y. Village, helping prison residents become productive and safe neighbors when they return to the community.
Frontier Award for Excellence in Continuous Learning: Charlene Rittenbach, senior forensic scientist in the North Dakota Crime Lab, for her enthusiastic work to embrace change and educate others in the field of forensic science, including her work on a highly technical bill related to synthetic cannabinoids during the most recent legislative session.
Sodbuster Award for Excellence in Growth Mindset: Nancy Nikolas Maier, director of Aging Services in the Department of Health and Human Services, for her work in transforming how North Dakotans think of aging services, inspiring her team to seek people-first solutions and supports, and leading the charge to help North Dakotans age in place as members of their communities.
Roaming Bison Award (Team) – 3 recipients:
- ND Roads Travel Map team, for providing users of the ND Roads app with accurate and real-time updates on road conditions – especially during significant weather events – helping to keep the traveling public informed and highlighting the work of the road crews, law enforcement and first responders who keep the roads open and safe.
- Turtle Mountain Forest Management team, for their joint efforts between the North Dakota Forest Service, Game and Fish Department, NDSU Extension and Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa to ensure the unique and cherished forest area is managed sustainably for current and future generations.
- Pembina Gorge State Park founding team, for their work to achieve the designation of North Dakota’s newest state park in over 30 years, including a carefully designed and executed plan to garner support from the legislature and the public, highlighting the incredible tourism and recreation opportunities of the Pembina Gorge.
Pioneer Award for Excellence in Innovation: Paul Moen, director of technology for the Department of Water Resources, for his role in implementing the PRESENS monitoring system in North Dakota and prioritizing data-driven decision-making in water resource management.
Zezula Award – “One Who Helps”: Shane Grove, maintenance supervisor at Turtle River State Park, for actively seeking innovations and efficiencies that benefit the whole of Parks and Recreation, prioritize the safety of Team ND and enhance the experience for citizens. This includes the development of an improved intake system for state winter trail grooming vehicles and the implementation of automated solutions for parks maintenance teams.
Harvest Award for Excellence in Quality: Lee Ann Oliver, elections specialist for the Secretary of State’s Office, for her dedication to ensuring the integrity of North Dakota elections and serving as an invaluable partner and resource to state government, candidates for office, elected officials, voters and the public.
Landmark Award for Excellence in People Management: Monique Durgin, end user computer and collaboration manager in North Dakota Information Technology, for leading the desktop support team to the some of the highest customer satisfaction rankings in the agency, improving team member morale and satisfaction and supporting a team critical to the efficient operation of Team ND.
Telegraph Award for Excellence in Technology: Brian Hosek, business operations manager for North Dakota Game and Fish, for his role in the development and implementation of North Dakota’s electronic posting program, including the launch of the electronic posting application, empowering North Dakota’s hunters with information and resources.
Heritage Award for Excellence in Citizen Focus: Jen Raab, communications director for the Office of Management and Budget, for her commitment to quality communications which allow the state to better deliver messages to our team members and citizens, including the development of the Statewide Communications Network and Team ND Connect, a state team member intranet.
Frontier Award for Excellence in Continuous Learning: Sarah Robinson, clinical associate professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of North Dakota, providing formal learning opportunities for professionals in North Dakota through the creation of evidence-based courses and a recognized certificate in dyslexia.
Sodbuster Award for Excellence in Growth Mindset: Kevin Connors, assistant director for regulatory compliance and energy policy at the Energy and Environmental Research Center, for his leadership in the effort to obtain Class VI primacy in North Dakota and his work with industry, researchers and government partners to develop and implement carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology and policy.
Roaming Bison Award (Team) – 4 recipients:
- 2022 Spring Storms Response team for their efficient and collaborative response to two major weather events this past spring and going above and beyond to implement solutions, provide critical assistance and save lives.
- Department of Health and Human Services Integration for their collaborative and thoughtful work to form a team that builds on each other’s strengths and provides North Dakota citizens with needed services in an efficient manner and guiding the successful creation of the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services.
- Economic Development & Finance Division, Department of Commerce, for leading the state's efforts to attract, retain and expand economic wealth, assisting businesses and entrepreneurs in entering the North Dakota market and improving opportunities for our workforce, citizens and communities.
- Cyber Madness team for developing and delivering the first-of-its-kind high school state championship for cybersecurity and creating valuable opportunities for our students and future workforce to explore the cybersecurity industry.
Pioneer Award for Excellence in Innovation: Karen Kringlie, Director of Juvenile Court for Unit 2
Zezula Award – “One Who Helps”: Richard Suggs, Petroleum Resource Geologic Analyst, Department of Mineral Resources
Harvest Award for Excellence in Quality: Karly Berger, Enterprise Collaboration Administrator, North Dakota Information Technology
Landmark Award for Excellence in People Management: Terry Peterson, Assistant Director for Case Management, Department of Human Services
Telegraph Award for Excellence in Technology: Corey Quirk, Director of Enterprise Services, North Dakota University System
Heritage Award for Excellence in Citizen Focus: Molly Howell, Immunization Division Director, North Dakota Department of Health
Frontier Award for Excellence in Continuous Learning: Bill Jensen, Big Game Biologist, North Dakota Game and Fish Department
Sodbuster Award for Excellence in Growth Mindset: Molly Herrington, Director of Leadership and Learning
Roaming Bison Award (Team) – 4 recipients:
- Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Medical Team, for mitigating the spread of COVID-19 among a vulnerable population and helping to prevent tragedies in North Dakota’s corrections system. The team has performed more than 70,000 COVID tests and cared for more than 600 residents who became ill across five facilities.
- Job Service North Dakota, for going above and beyond in supporting North Dakota’s workforce during the pandemic. Since March 2020, the team has processed more than 280,000 unemployment claims – nearly 14 years’ worth of claims – and paid out nearly $1.25 billion to eligible North Dakota workers.
- OMB Budget Analyst Team for supporting agencies across state government in developing a strong budget that benefits team members and citizens and going above and beyond to identify the most effective and efficient distribution of additional federal dollars during the pandemic.
- North Dakota Department of Health for its continued leadership and commitment to compassionate, data-driven decision making over the last 18 months of a once-in-a-century pandemic. From testing and contact tracing to mitigation and vaccination, the team continues to provide vital information and resources to improve public health.
Press Release: https://www.governor.nd.gov/news/burgum-recognizes-team-members-2021-governors-awards-excellence-public-service
Video of 2020 recognition event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QvL_eSxQcA
Heritage Award for Excellence in Citizen Focus: Jennifer Blumhagen, Assistant Director, Motor Vehicle Division, North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT)
Telegraph Award for Excellence in Technology: Eli Cornell, Lead Architect, North Dakota Information Technology
Pioneer Award for Excellence in Innovation: Jessica Thomasson, Executive Policy Director, Department of Human Services
Zezula Award – “One Who Helps” (3 recipients):
- Kim Dockter, Education and Special Projects Coordinator, North Dakota Supreme Court
- Clint Fleckenstein, Multimedia Specialist, Department of Health
- Steve Schutt, Night Watchman, North Dakota Veterans Home
Landmark Award for Excellence in People Management: Colby Braun, Director of Facility Operations, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Frontier Award for Excellence in Continuous Learning: Justin Data, Project Director, North Dakota Information Technology
Harvest Award for Excellence in Quality: Kathleen Donahue, Deputy Planning Section Chief, Department of Emergency Services
Sodbuster Award for Excellence in Growth Mindset: Maj. Aaron Hummel, Chief of Staff, North Dakota Highway Patrol
Roaming Bison Award (Team): North Dakota’s COVID-19 Response Team, for using a whole-of-government approach to respond to a rapidly and constantly changing environment and unprecedented challenges.
Press Release: https://www.governor.nd.gov/news/burgum-recognizes-team-members-governors-awards-excellence-public-service-0
Video of 2020 recognition event: https://youtu.be/cCyP_vGSm0c
Heritage Award for Citizen Focus: Janelle Middlestead, Consumer Assistance Division Director, North Dakota Insurance Department
Telegraph Award for Excellence in Technology: Ryan Kramer, Enterprise Architect, North Dakota Information Technology
Pioneer Award for Excellence in Innovation: Troy Gilbertson, Fargo District Maintenance Coordinator, North Dakota Department of Transportation
Zezula Award – “One Who Helps”: Jamie Krous, Senior Program Analyst, North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
Landmark Award for Excellence in People Management: Ryan Gardner, Regional Park Manager, North Dakota Parks and Recreation
Frontier Award for Excellence in Continuous Learning: Laural Sehn, Budget Specialist, Department of Human Services
Harvest Award for Excellence in Quality: Pamela Helbling-Schafer, Director of the North Dakota Veterans Cemetery
Sodbuster Award for Excellence in Growth Mindset: Penny Hetletved, Director of Education, Staff Development and Training, and Core Correctional Practices, North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Roaming Bison Award (Team): K-20W Initiative team, consisting of more than 40 agency and private partners, for developing a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive cyber education strategy for North Dakotans at every level from kindergarten through Ph.D. and into the workforce. This initiative is providing students with increased learning opportunities to develop skills to support success in a 21st century workforce, while making North Dakota a national leader in cyber education. Receiving honorable mention for the award was the Title IV-E Foster Care Agreement team, for their work improving outcomes for children and families through tribal engagement.
Press Release: https://www.governor.nd.gov/news/burgum-sanford-recognize-team-members-governors-awards-excellence-public-service
Video of 2019 recognition event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md-z5MOCP4k
Heritage Award for Customer Service: Michelle Gayette, Assistant Director of the Aging Services Division, Department of Human Services
Telegraph Award for Excellence in Technology: Chad Gumeringer, Enterprise IT Architect, Information Technology Department
Pioneer Award for Excellence in Innovation: David Roggenbuck, Case Manager with the Behavioral Intervention Unit of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Zezula Award – “One Who Helps”: Jenna Clawson-Huibregtse, Cultural Liaison Officer with the North Dakota Highway Patrol
Landmark Award for Excellence in People Management: Gary Vetter, Director of Enterprise Services with the Information Technology Department
Frontier Award for Excellence in Continuous Learning: Jennifer Einrem, Transportation Engineer and team lead for the North Dakota Department of Transportation’s Vision 2030 initiative
Harvest Award for Excellence in Quality: Holly Gaugler, Accounting Manager for the North Dakota National Guard
Sodbuster Award for Excellence in Growth Mindset: Ann Clapper and Tom Hall, Program Coordinators for the North Dakota State University Educational Leadership Program
Roaming Bison Award (Team): MSI Dashboard Team, North Dakota Department of Commerce, for leading efforts to develop the Main Street Community Dashboard, an interactive tool that provides local leaders with cross-state and community-specific data including livability, demographics, education and economic data to help them create healthy, vibrant communities that can attract and retain a 21st century workforce. Receiving honorable mentions for the award were the Human Resources Cabinet Leadership Team and Workforce Safety & Insurance.
Heritage Award for Customer Service - Jeff McKinnon, Department of Human Services
Telegraph Award for Excellence in Technology - Cliff Heyne, Information Technology Department
Pioneer Award for Excellence in Innovation - John Nowatzki
Zezula "One Who Helps" - Colleen "Kelly" Weiand, ND National Guard and Ben Ehreth, Department of Transportation
Landmark Award for Excellence in Management - John Axtman, Department of Mineral Resources
Frontier Award for Excellence in Continuous Learning - Dr. Lisa Peterson, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Harvest Award for Excellence in Quality - Karlene Fine, Industrial Commission
Roaming Bison Award (Team) - Unified Command and Staff for state emergency response: The Cross-cutting team represented by the Division of Emergency Services, Highway Patrol, Department of Agriculture, State Forester, Water Commission, Morton County, and supported by the unified command staff from numerous state agencies, for their work coordinating the complex response efforts and identifying solutions to the Dakota Access Pipeline protests and this year's drought and wildfire disaster, using a whole-of-government approach.
Jesse Hanson - Parks and Recreation Department
Sandy Eichhorn - Job Service North Dakota, Wahpeton
Christie Massen - North Dakota Department of Health
Jean Hagen - North Dakota State University
Dorothy Wilson - North Dakota State University
Jim Stalboerger - North Dakota State University
Tim Wiedrich - North Dakota Department of Health
Cindy Sanford - Job Service North Dakota, Williston
Jeffrey Erickson - North Dakota State University
Judith Moe - North Dakota State University
David Mattern - Office of Management and Budget
Mary Power - North Dakota State University
Patrick N. Bohn - ND Department of Corrections
Jane Croeker - University of North Dakota
Larry Ruebel - Department of Emergency Services
Kathleen Ann Heller - ND State Hospital
Laura Thibert, North Dakota State University
Bob Nelson - ND Veterans Home
Phil Davis - Job Service North Dakota
Carol Yantzer - Job Service North Dakota
Michelle Grant - North Dakota State University
Jean Hagen - North Dakota State University
Debra Sorenson - North Dakota State University
James Weigel - Office of Management and Budget
Terry L. Whitmore - Department of Human Services
Cindy Bitz - Job Service North Dakota
Janine Trowbridge - North Dakota State University
Diane Axness - North Dakota State University
Marvin Hoff - North Dakota State Hospital
Ken Remmick - ND Facility Management
Robert Barclay - North Dakota State University
Connie Johnson - Job Service North Dakota
Debra Knapper - North Dakota State University
Karen Johnson - North Dakota State University
Patti Mihelich - Department of Human Services
Kristin Lunneborg - North Dakota Veterans Home
Janice Hoffarth – University of North Dakota
Kyle Forster – Information Technology Department
Kirk Peterson – University of North Dakota
Tom Job – Facility Management
Curt Hofland – Department of Human Services
Holly Gaugler – Office of the Adjutant General
Greg Wilz, Department of Emergency Services
Amy Jo Anton, Department of Emergency Services
Jennifer Hooey, Department of Human Services
Jean Hagen, NDSU Aerospace Studies
Daniel Krogen, NDSU Facilities Managment
James Leingang, Office of Management and Budget
Sara Otte Coleman, Department of Commerce - Bismarck
Les Strege, State Tax Commission - Minot
Pat Patch, Human Services - Bismarck
Becky Rosenkranz, Protection and Advocacy Project - Bismarck
Gary Calheim, State Water Commission - Bismarck
Darlene Wolfgram, Information Technology Department - Bismarck
Darlene Pixley, NDSU Dining Center - Fargo
Debbie Merrill, Facilities UND - Grand Forks
Deb Gletne, Central Human Service Center - Jamestown
Lonnie Hoffer, Department of Emergency Services - Bismarck
Gerald Newborg, Historical Society - Bismarck
Heather Raschke, Job Service - Bismarck
Pam Zimbelman, Facilities UND - Grand Forks
Mary Jaster, Developmental Center - Grafton
Karen Roesch, Facilities NDSU - Fargo
Matthew Walker, Facilities NDSU - Fargo
Jeb Williams, Game and Fish Department - Bismarck
Brian Heitkamp, Job Service - Bismarck
Mark Herz, Facilities Management - Fargo
Arlen Skunberg, Carpenters Shop - Fargo
Carey Fry, Job Service - Fargo
David Zentner, Human Services
Kathy Larson, Developmental Center - Grafton
Tammy Celley, Department of Agriculture
Tim Singelmann, Heating Plant - NDSU
Laurie Albright, Job Service - Fargo
Robert Rutten, Public Instruction- Bismarck
Roxann Sauter, West Central Human Service Center- Bismarck
Linda Price, North Central Human Service Center- Minot
Karon Steckler, Human Services
Dan Schelske, Jr., Parks and Recreation
Marget (Maggie) Anderson, Department of Public Instruction
Lucinda (Cindy) Moos, Job Service
Sheila Kath, NDSU, Zoology/Geosciences/Biological Sciences
Penny Olson, Job Service
Becky Lankow, Job Service
Ron Lisko, Job Service
Don Bauer, Valley City State University
Randi Anfinson, Job Service
William Jundt, Facility Management
Stacie Ensrude, Developmental Center
Marcella Kramer, Supreme Court
Raymond Hall, Facility Management
Doris Giedt, State Hospital
Karlene Fine, Industrial Commission
Jeanne Walstad, Supreme Court
Robert Serba, State Hospital
Bob Noblin, Job Service
Robert Stone, Department of Public Instruction